Saturday 30 May 2009

Back To Reality...

This morning, I awoke to find myself aching in places I didn't know existed: the effect of all those Lourdes hills.

I made my way to church and gave some Lourdes water and cards to various people. We then had Mass, Exposition for a Holy Hour and Benediction (our normal Saturday routine) followed by a Latin lesson for the altar servers, given by Fr. Tim. Wendy, the mother of two of the servers, kindly provided bacon and sausage sandwiches.

After this, I went to buy milk and a few other necessities, and came back to find Sylvester looking aggrieved. I curled up on the sofa with him beside me, and settled down to read a "new" Bernard Cornwell book - one of the Alfred the Great series. I enjoyed his Grail Quest and Sharpe books, but I'm not quite sure about this one.

The inevitable happened, and I soon dropped off to sleep. I woke up briefly, realised that I had only fifteen minutes left in which to collect my jacket from the dry cleaners, and rushed out. On returning, I sat back down on the sofa, picked up the book, and...

... woke up at about 9:30pm. Oops.

I uploaded all my photos from the phone - about 120, which is fairly restrained for me. I had been advised by Fr. Tim to reduce the size of my photos used on the blog, or else I'd run out of photo space, and although I'd do it for the occasional photo (along with punching up the contrast and correcting lighting levels) it took so long that I usually didn't bother. Jonathan mentioned that my blog took far too long to upload onto his phone, and, guessing that picture size might be a factor in this, I explored the options on Photoshop Elements 6.0. I discovered a "multiple files" option, and hoped that this would allow me to convert a whole bunch of photos to web-friendly settings without too much time and effort on my part. I'd be interested to know if things speed up...

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